On Sunday 13th November Harwell Village recognised the annual Remembrance with a Parade along the Village High Street to the War Memorial where a Commemorative Service was held.
The Parade marched from Townsend to the War Memorial in the High Street and included members of the RBL, Harwell Parish Council and Local representatives from the VOWH DC, local organisations, Didcot Cadet Forces (Army and Air) Scouts and Guides.
The village population was well represented with the public filling the pavements and surrounding space, with estimates around 1000 attending in total. The Service at the War Memorial was conducted by Rev. Rob Thomas, Mr John MacFarlane-Horgan played the Bagpipes which accompanied the Parades arrival at the Memorial and the laying of the wreaths with Dr Tony Hughes playing the Last Post to signify the start and end of the two-minute silence.
Thanks are due to Allan Macarthur and Phil Johnston for organising the sound system and to Mike and Anita Pepper for distributing the service sheets to the congregation
A collection for the Poppy Appeal went around ahead and after the service and raised £171.83, and thanks should go to Mrs Hazel Benton and Ms Tracey Pearson for their part in walking around with the collection buckets.
The event was honoured by the attendance of the King’s representative, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, Angus Horner, who lead the laying of the Wreaths, and was followed by VOWH DC, Harwell Parish Council, Royal British Legion Harwell Branch, The Harwellian Club, Didcot Detachment Army Cadets, 2410 (Didcot) Sqn Air Cadets, Harwell Scouts the Milbrook Girl Guides.
Following the service, Angus Horner offered some poignant words on Remembrance and the local connection to WWII with the village’s proximity to the former RAF Harwell airfield which played its part in the war effort. After which the Parade marched to St Matthew’s Church, where upon the arrival the Standards formed a Guard of Honour at the entrance to the Church. Rev Pam Rolls joined by Rev Jan Radford took the service
After the Church Service, the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant, Harwell Parish Chairman and Parish Council representative joined the RBL Branch Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary by attending the War Memorial at the Commonwealth War Graves in Harwell Cemetery where a wreath was laid.
Further photos of the event can be found via the following links
Harwell RBL Parades Facebook Page
Simon Haycox, flickr.com Album
Bob Girling, smugmug.com Album
Armistice Day
A short commemoration was held at the High Street War Memorial. About 40 people attended, together with members of Harwell School Council, the Head Teacher and the School Business Manager, and members of the Harwell Branch RBL.
The High Street was closed by the Parish Council grounds staff.
Branch Chairman Reginald White conducted the Ceremony and recited the Exhortation and Kohima Epitaph. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Dr. Tony Hughes and the Two Minutes Silence was observed. The Chairman thanked all present for their attendance
Any questions regarding either event can be directed to the Branch Ceremonial Officer, Peter Davies using harwell.committee1@rbl.community