2020 was very different for everyone, including the annual Poppy Appeal. Many of the usual activities could not take place, including house-to-house collecting, so new activities took place instead.
Chilton Poppy Appeal Organiser Hazel Benton ran a stall at four locations in Chilton during the appeal. Thank you to all who visited and made a donation.
The totals raised are:
- Harwell Village and Campus shops and businesses raised a total of £1,228.77.
- Table collections in Chilton plus the boxes and collecting tins in the Curie Avenue shops and businesses raised a total of £1,494.71
Thanks to everyone for their generosity and a special thanks to everyone who braved the rain to come to the table collections.
Many thanks, Hazel Benton, Chilton Village Poppy Appeal Organiser
The usual Remembrance Sunday Parades and services at the High Street War Memorial and in Harwell Church did not take place so no collection was made.
Donations for Remembrance Sunday Wreaths
Thank you to the local organisations who have so far donated a total of £189.72 for the wreaths laid at the War Memorials in Chilton and Harwell over Remembrance.
Other Donations totaling £69.96 have been collected.
Total October 2020 to date: £2,983.16